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9 Rules for the Black Birdwatcher

Wildlife biologist J. Drew Lanham outlines the essential rules to follow in nature as a Black Birdwatcher. Published in Orion Magazine. 

"Environmental Education & Social Movements" Keynote Panel at NAAEE 2015 in San Diego, California.


Dr. Lanham takes aspiring birdwatchers out to Assateague Island and Ocean City, Maryland.


A distinguished Alumni professor of wildlife ecology in the School of Agricultural, Forest and Environmental Sciences at Clemson University, Dr. Lanham identifies birds of the wild just by listening to their songs.

"BirdSong Identi-Flyer" inventor Terry Allen and wildlife ecologist Dr. Drew Lanham explore methods of learning bird songs and introduce the IdentiFlyer Lyric. 


Host Arun Rath sits down with wildlife biologist J. Drew Lanham to talk about his article in the current issue of Orion Magazine, "9 Rules for the Black Birdwatcher."

Clemson Naturalist Patrick McMillan and Forest Wildlife Ecologist Drew Lanham field calls on Birding and other wildlife issues as part of South Carolina ETV radio program "Your Day."















Dr. Lanham field calls on birding and other wildlife issues on "Your Day," with the central topic focused on woodpecker identification.

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